
Clear Vision: How 16 Growing Churches Harnessed the Power of Shared Vision is unavailable, but you can change that!

Can your church see the future? According to Jack Lynn, it can! You can not only catch God’s clear vision for your ministry, but you can take steps to see it accomplished. “When churches bring clarity to their vision, they see an amazing increase in the effectiveness of their ministry,” says Lynn. Clear Vision shows how by examining the successes of some of today“s most vibrant, vision-driven...

from Dr. Keith Drury. The essence of it is this: It is my job to go deep with God, and it is His job to manage the breadth of my influence. This is another way of addressing the issue of less is more. THE WEDGE Illustrated by this diagram, as I go deeper with God He allows the breadth of my influence to touch more people’s lives for His purposes. When I start focusing on my breadth of influence, I lose the focus of going deep in Christ. I must keep my personal focus and priority right if God is
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